Inclusive Recruitment inside & outside


– HR Policy and the Various Policy Areas
– Diversity & Inclusion Policy Within Organizations 
– From Baseline Measurement to an Inclusive Organization 
– Overview of the Different Phases
– Creating Greater Support for Inclusion: Developing an Action Plan Based on the Theories of Rogers and Quinn

In Practice

– Recruitment: How to Create an Inclusive and Diverse Job Profile
– Creating Inclusive Job Descriptions
– Recruitment Channels: Where and How? 
– How to Review a CV Impartially
– Introduction to the Jobs Agreement/Quota for Employees with Disabilities
– Communicating about disabilities
– How to ask about a disability during a job interview?
– The candidate's history. How do you handle it?
– How do you introduce a candidate with a disability to the managers and colleagues within the company?

Extra term 
How can you use AI (Artificial Intelligence) for your job descriptions?

Outside in and inside out:

During this session, we will explore how others perceive the company/organization you work for. 
Through a short survey and quiz, you will discover how the organization is perceived.

Now it's time to ensure that the organization is seen as attractive by outsiders! 
What do you need to do for that? 
How can you achieve this, and what factors are important and attractive in today’s world to ensure that new employees want to work for you and stay with your company?

Relevant Literature
Below are some articles you can read in preparation. During these session(s), you will receive plenty of tools to work with this information.

Below are links with information on:
1. Different types of disabilities
2. Innovation Theory by Rogers

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